Vegan Tooth Powder

Do you know what is in your toothpaste?

(A post from Valerie's BLOG)

Vegan Tooth Powder

Do you know what is in your toothpaste? I think it is a fair question; especially since you put it in your mouth every day. I had to admit to myself that I had no idea, so I decided to look it up. Please check my BLOG post to see what I found out

My solution to the problems related to toothpaste was to avoid them altogether and make my own DIY toothpowder. Simple, natural, and cost-effective, it’s a winner for me. Here is my recipe.




This could not be easier. Mix your dry ingredients together.


Once these are combined, add in your essential oil.

Flavouring vegan tooth powder

Store this mixture in an airtight container.


Take five minutes and make this tooth powder. You will love the way your mouth and teeth feel after using it. It is also very inexpensive and you won’t have a plastic tube to throw away at the end. Just make more powder and refill the same container. Good for you; good for the planet.

Live well.

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